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发布时间:2018-03-07 作者: 浏览:次张林森,副教授,1974年4月生。毕业于中科院物理与数学研究所,获博士学历、学位。
1. L. Zhang, et al, Thermal adaptability of proteins on amino acid composition,accepted in the 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,2009,indexed by EI Compendex.
2. L. Zhang, et al, Mass defect in the noncommutative Schwarzschild space-time, Internal Journal of Theoretical Physics 47,974-978(2010)
3. Linsen Zhang, et al, Unifying dark energy and dark matter with the modi?ed Ricci model,The European Physical Journal C 71,1588-1591(2011)
4. Linsen Zhang, et al, Dynamics of Multiple Scalar Fields Model of Dark Energy with Spatial Curvature,International Journal of Theoretical Physics 51, 3655-3663(2012)